2003-06-27, 10:58 a.m.:
Ah, here we are, back to our humid, rainy existence here in East TN. For a few days there�almost a week!�I got complacent, I started to get used to gloriously dry, sunny weather.

I should know better, don�t you think? I mean really, how silly to think that I could wake up this morning and enjoy my coffee on my front porch, as I have done so many other days this week? Instead, it is gloomy and my standard two cups of coffee are seriously lacking the power I need. The basement flooded last night. Being an idiot, I left my laundry basket full of clean wool-lite smelling goodness on the floor.

Guess what I get to do today? That�s right, re-wash all of the clothes I washed last night. HOT DAMN SOUNDS LIKE FUN. Dumbass.

At least you have a cool car.

Yesterday I had the most fun. My mom has been kind of mopey about her first-born (being me) growing up and taking care of herself and where-did-the-time-go-oh-GOD-I-think-I�ll-watch-Steel Magnolias-again. Anyway, yesterday she took me out for a fancy lunch (tapas!), then we went and got our hair cut together, her treat (we�ll get to the haircut later), she bought me my expensive Aveda shampoo and conditioner, then a latte, then she took me to the fancy gourmet grocery store. I mean, damn! At the end of the afternoon, she slipped me a $20, gave me a kiss, and said we should get together like this more often.


I mean, I don�t want to take advantage of my dear, sweet Mom, but she seems to really enjoy this kind of stuff, so OK by me.

Now, the hair. My hair is so cute. It is short. Shorter than it has been in years and years, and I love it. It�s curly and sassy and fun. Very Meg Ryan-ish, but not as short and a little curlier. Yay!

So�yeah. That�s all I can come up with at the moment. This is already feeling like a two-for-one entry day, so stay tuned! When I wake up a little more I might be filled with a few gems.

Currently reading:

Jenny and the Jaws of Life by Jincy Willet

Link me UP! Before you go, girl

I'm going to hell for this one.

Great article on needing more sex in politics.

Oooh, the prettiest jewelry. The preeeciooous.

NPR article on Hipsters.

And, The New York City Anti-Hipster Forum!

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