2003-07-18, 5:18 p.m.:

Ooooooo, love to love you, baby

I know, I know, it�s been ages, I never send you flowers anymore, blah blah blah. I�ve been busy. Busy busy. What, pray tell, has little old me been busy with?

I had to go to Nashville, round-trip, in a day. Normally not too painful (3 hours each way), but I was stuck behind a horrible, Interstate 40-closing wreck. They had the entire interstate getting off at a small town exit. I moved half a mile in an hour, people. I thought I was going to start crying. Then I was 2 hours late to the meeting I was coming to town for, so I pretty much was in Nashville for an hour, before turning around to leave. Granted, there were no nude, fake dead bodies, but still. I was cursing Nashville up a storm. Oh, and on the way home? A tractor trailer and a minivan careened off the interstate into a ravine, and they closed the interstate again. A RAVINE.

Then, I was just busy busy with work crap.

This week, I was in Atlanta for a training session. I got to stay here , which made it kind of bearable. One evening I went out with another one of my coworkers to the bar at the Four Seasons , and while it was quite lovely, it killed a small part of me. And I�m not sure yet, but I think it was one of my favorite parts. We had the biggest martinis ever. EVER. I threw up. I think I was praying to various deities. It was the most miserable night ever. And then, the next morning, I had to wake up and learn how to better manage my projects. I threw up some more. Then I drove home. I cried a little more.

See, see? See why I don�t update? Nothing interesting, just work, drunk, cry. Ugh.

This weekend, things are looking up. Tonight we are having a few people over to grill out and watch my new Strangers With Candy DVD. Tomorrow I hope to go hiking, and eat something delicious, then go to Chris� show. Sunday, I want to lie out in the sun and drink water. Lots of glorious water.

Currently Reading:

I had to put The Life of Pi on hold because my copy of Why Girls Are Weird arrived. I devoured it last night, and I�m not ashamed to say that I cried like a baby. Seeing a project come into fruition, even for a complete stranger , was so completely satisfying. No to mention, it�s a great read. Go get you one. There is a link on her website.

I guess I�ll get back to The Life of Pi, but I�m really itching to read Candy and Me. So I probably will. I�m a bad kid.

Also, I should link all of those books, but I�m lazy on top of being bad. Sorry.

Have a fab weekend, kiddaroos.

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