2003-08-19, 12:44 p.m.:

I�d like to cut your head off, so I can weigh it. Whaddaya say?

It�s been forever. Forever! I�ve been pretty busy, but mostly distracted and stuck inside my own head for days and days. My brain is on overdrive, thoughts are whizzing by. While the logical thing to do would be to purge all of these thoughts into this diary, I am periodically frozen, knowing that my thoughts, my worries, and my rants are essentially drivel and a waste of time. But here I am anyway, because there are a couple of you who I knew would start to wonder if I would ever come back. So here I am, yo.

I�ve been obsessing about the loneliness again. I honestly don�t know what to do to remedy these feelings, especially since I seem hell-bent on sabotaging any improvements in the area. I found myself in tears when an acquaintance told me about going out with a few other acquaintances, how it was such fun, how those girls are so nice. I went into my crazy head again, practically screaming to myself, �Why didn�t you call ME? Why does this hurt so badly? Why am I about to cry?� I had to excuse myself and go outside for some air.

I swear, I am not usually such a losery bundle of nerves and emotions. I think I�m just stressed out.

Of course, it�s my own fault. I sometimes turn down invitations. I was once told that the only was to make new friends as an adult was to accept any and every invitation that comes your way. I don�t so much.

I did, however, email the old friend I mentioned in the afore-linked post. We shall see if this amounts to anything.

Honestly, though, as depressing as the above sounds, things have been OK. It rains every freaking day, which is very odd for this time of year. Work is busy, but I seem to be OK. C is making money at his job and not completely hating it (but he does hate it, trust me). Busta Rhymes and the Owenator are still totally amusing, and the best of friends. Emily came over to visit for a hot minute, and we had burgers. That was quite nice.

On one more depressing note, though, I gained 8 pounds. The fuck? I mean, are you telling me that if you sit around and eat �Natural� Cheetos (thanks, emiloo), you will gain weight? Well.

Most everything that happened yesterday:

I overslept.

I got a phone call from the roommate of one of my employees saying that she couldn�t make it for her shifts Tuesday and Wednesday, and no, she doesn�t have her phone on her.

I got a call from my employees telling me that the truck (that they drive on their shifts) is broken. I told them to drive their personal cars.

I got a call from one of my employees saying her personal car was broken, and could I please come get her?

I had a physical and a pap smear.

I found out that I�ve gained at least 8 pounds over two weeks.

A bird pooped on my head.

I know.

I spent an hour setting up an ad with our local weekly, only to find that they don�t take American Express.

My boss decided to show up at my team meeting (quite a surprise since he lives 3 hours away).

Aforementioned meeting was awful, and made me out to be the most disorganized, ineffectual manager ever.

I got a stomachache.

And a headache.

I had to explain to my boss why slack-assed team member wasn�t at the meeting.

This made me look even more ineffective.

I watched Paradise Hotel last night.

No, I�ve never watched it before.

I had no idea what was going on.

I�ll never get that hour back.

I fell asleep before C got home from band practice, with make-up and work clothes on.

I come bearing Links (and Mhyrr!)

This woman takes the term �Bridezilla� to a whole new level.

Salad on a stick! coming to your county fair this fall!

These moronic football players (oxymoron?), got caught spraying their uniforms with Pam. I see a new ad campaign coming�

A nifty science website, for dorks like me.

Will someone please explain THIS to me? (needs sound)


This site is disturbing, and maybe not work appropriate, but appeals to the 7-year-old in me. Mouse over the people at the bus stop.

Convert any website to Valley Speak!

Or, if you�d rather, Snoop Speak!

I took the liberty of converting emiloo�s diary to Snoop Speak, check out Emiloo Dogg

Like Yale students don�t already have a few advantages, Alice Waters is now consulting them on their menu changes. It�s all organic and delicious. Effing Yale.

Currently Reading:

I just finished The Life of Pi and I really, really loved it. More than I thought I would. Highly recommended.

I'm now re-reading Tender at the Bone by Ruth Reichl, because I haven't had time to go get new books. C got Seabiscuit for his birthday, so I'll probably read that.

Until tomorrow, my pretties.

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